Lee Halvorsen Blog

Lee Halvorsen Lee Halvorsen

Power and Protests

Image from Arlington National Cemetery

Brother against brother, power against youth, “stay the same” against change. When I was in university our issues are remembered as about the now forgotten Vietnam War, but they really weren’t, they were about something larger, something more important…they were about listening. The universities, the government, the system, the “institutions” didn’t listen to my age group, they gave my generation no credibility, no time and not even the right to vote. I watch the student demonstrations today and am taken back almost 60 years to the days of the 1968 Democratic Convention, the Chicago 7 trial, and demonstrations everywhere in the country. And me back then? A small town kid, in an isolated university, in a deeply conservative state becoming aware of how I was being treated more than I understood the national and international issues the demonstrations were about. Never trust anyone over 30. That was our mantra. My little sliver of the world was not on fire with demonstrations, in fact, I can count on one hand how many we had at South Dakota State University when I attended. We student demonstrators were ignored, not shunned, just ignored. Fulfilling the prophecy of “you don’t count.”

But then, on May 4, 1970, American troops opened fire on American students, kids my age, at Ohio’s Kent State University. Allison Krause, 19, Jeffrey Miller, 20, Sandra Schemer, 20, and William Schroeder, 19, all unarmed, some not even in the protest march, were gunned down by soldiers. Unarmed students. The governor of Ohio had called the demonstrators “Un-American.” But he hadn’t listened to them, he didn’t talk with them. No one did. Kent State University’s reaction was to ban all demonstrations. Yes. There were crowds and loud chanting and the ROTC building was on fire. But students weren’t attacking the soldiers or the police…they were demanding to be heard.

And four were killed. Nine wounded. “Ohio” is a song by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, this YouTube link has the song with images. Some of the images are disturbing, they should be, so viewer discretion is advised.

My generation didn’t learn any lessons, now we’re the ones not listening. Fifty-four years ago, almost to the day. Time to listen and learn.

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Lee Halvorsen Lee Halvorsen

Dunnington Mansion

Upstairs Hallway in the Mansion

This was my first real outing in…well, quite a long time. Some friends from Northern Virginia invited me to join them at the Mansion for an afternoon of shooting and I happily accepted. I didn’t get much of a chance to visit since each one of us headed for the grounds and fired up our cameras. This old place is a poster child for “If these walls could talk.” The house was built in its grand style in 1897 and lived in until 20 or so years ago. I’m guessing the roof failed and that started the march of deterioration and rot. Fortunately for the house and for fans of history, some folks got together and formed a non-profit foundation with the goal of preserving and eventually restoring the mansion. They’ve installed a new roof which should stop the damage caused by rain but they still have a long way to go to reverse the impact of twenty years of neglect.

I’m still learning video although my wife thinks I may have one or two more hobbies than I need. Nonetheless, if you’re interested in more images and some video of Dunnington, head on over to my YouTube channel for a four minute video. Please consider donating to the foundation at the link in the first paragraph!!


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Lee Halvorsen Lee Halvorsen


Ginter Garden Flower

I did a quick trip to Ginter Garden yesterday. The trees are filling out with their green, oxygen-giving leaves and the tulips were in full bloom. I put the day’s news behind me and sat on a bench in the woods to watch the leaves grow; a gentle breeze, waving branches with the sound of quiet voices as passersby walked by my bench. I thought of the times when I was “young,” well, younger and asked myself why older folks sat on benches a lot. Ha. Now I’m one of them and I finally get it.

Pollen is a challenge. Taking a deep breath was a dare to my lungs to not cough! Maybe I should have worn a mask. I was going to change lenses until I saw my camera was coated with pollen and changing lenses would expose the innards to the springtime storm of yellow dust. I decided to just enjoy the moment. I’ve been waiting for the trees to bloom, I’ve missed my time with them and look forward to more bench time in the future.

Time in the woods is more difficult here in Richmond than in DC and the surrounding suburbs. DC is a city of trees and parks and that theme is continued in the ‘burbs. Trees and fields and water are here in the Richmond area, in abundance, but most are private. We don’t have parks close to where I live (15 miles west of Richmond), in fact, there are no parks, schools or libraries in the eastern half of my county. We have a small stream in my community and the stream has thin strips of trees but not many benches. Still, I’m thankful for them.

The pollen will lessen in a few weeks and I’ll be able to change lenses without pollen worries. I’m determined to spend more time enjoying the trees. I’m reminded of J.R.R. Tolkein’s Ents, the shepherds of trees who became more and more like the trees they cared for. Hmmm, not a bad thing.

A walker and a bench in Ginter Garden

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Lee Halvorsen Lee Halvorsen

“The Daily Plainsman”

Linotype in Industrial Museum, Baltimore, MD

The Plainsman was my town’s newspaper when I was growing up…it still is. The newspaper’s name was different then, the “Huronite” but changed to The Huron Daily Plainsman. Not sure why. Economics, no doubt. My grandfather Ed Halvorsen worked there for several decades as a Linotype operator. I don’t remember the entire printing process…it was a long time ago. They’d mostly let me walk around whenever an adult could watch me. To an elementary student, the newspaper’s processes were magic and I loved the place, although, it could be a bit intimidating…loud machinery, intense people always on a deadline, the smell of ink and paper and molten lead, the sense of mission. Oh, and the words, they were everywhere. The language, the style, the content.

My grandfather married when he was 20 and his bride was 19. There was no work in small town South Dakota in 1909…the newlyweds got on a train and went to Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada where he became a journeyman Linotype operator. The Linotype was a machine that revolutionized the print industry, no longer would type have to be set one letter at a time, one slug at a time and then each letter had to be returned to its proper drawer. No, the Linotype changed all that. The letters could be typed, like magic a matrix would fall down from a magazine into a row, the operator would put spaces between words, when the “line of type” (Linotype) was done, the operator would move a lever or pedal and the stack would go into a pressure mold where hot, molten metal was pressed onto the matrices and voilé, a line of type was cast. The area where the linotypes were was dark and hot and LOUD. The machines made a lot of noise but it was a very organized noise with whirs, ticks, whooshes, and bangs, and clacks and more…a veritable symphony of flowing words and thought. I loved it.

Somehow, I don’t remember how, the columns were changed into sticks, then galleys (pages), then type drums. Once a “page” was formed, they were “proofed” on galley proofs. Back in the day, the Huronite had quite a few proof readers because sometimes the Linotype operators or the reporters made mistakes, but seldom the proofreaders. The drums were put on several rollers and the paper would roll over them and somehow the ink, the drums, and the paper met, were sorted and cut or cut and sorted. For a little kid, this was high drama.

My grandfather retired from the Huronite and went to work for FH Brown Printing located under the National Bank at 3rd & Wisconsin. They had a Linotype. I often visited the print shop but it wasn’t the same as the Huronite…I missed it. So did he.

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Lee Halvorsen Lee Halvorsen


Appomattox Court House Grave

Yesterday I drove to Appomattox for a quick walkabout. This was my first outing in months and the weather was perfect. The light was a bit “harsh” because midday is, well, middle of the day…not at all the “golden hour.” But in spite of the noon sky, the light was wonderful…large, puffy clouds flying rapidly through the sky while their shadows raced with one another along the ground. I’ll have a more detailed post in a few days but wanted to highlight this unusual cedar tree next to the grave of a 19-year-old soldier who died of typhoid without ever seeing combat. The unusual lighting highlighted the orphan like quality of the tree and grave in the middle of a meadow.

The drive to the Park was just over an hour, mostly on two lane roads running through farmlands dotted with large confederate flags. Few people were visiting the park, I assume because it’s March and a Monday. The Park is a semi-reconstruction of the village, called a Court House, at Appomattox, some of the buildings are original, some are reconstructions, some are gone. The surrender was signed in the McClean House which is a reconstruction. I tried to imagine the tensions, the emotions, and the personalities at the surrender, all taking place in a relatively small room.

The tree and grave were fascinating. I’ve included a color version of the B&W and another angle of the scene. Just another example of what hate can do in an “Us versus Them” kinda world.

Appomattox Court House Grave

Appomattox Court House Grave

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Lee Halvorsen Lee Halvorsen

Rain, Rain…

This is the time of year when everything begins to wake up…leaves come out, migrating birds return, pollen erupts, taxes are due, and, of course, spring showers bring May flowers. The soil where I live is not the same kind of dirt I grew up with in South Dakota and have experienced in most other places I’ve lived. No, the soil here is red clay which does not absorb the rain very well. When the rain comes, the water runs off. Or. Sits. And sits. And sits. Our “lawn” is muck. For Sunny’s exercise we walk which is good for us as well as Sunny since we can’t play with her in the yard. The color green is still mostly hiding and I admit missing the green.

My creative energy is at a low…which happens quite often so I’m not alarmed. However, at my age the time horizon is a bit different and I’ve grown to resent non-creative hours. I know this is a self created problem. I think I’m reluctant to go out because I don’t know the area well and some of the places I want to go are potentially not appropriate for someone my age with a big camera. Perhaps I should get a smaller camera. Another self inflicted problem. Today, I’m heading for Appomattox on a search for my creativity!

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Lee Halvorsen Lee Halvorsen

Forest Poem

Natural Bench at Hidden Rock Park

The weather warmed up a bit and I went out for a walkabout! I only had an hour so didn’t do a lot of wandering. The objective of my walkabout was to jump start some creative energy and do some writing. The county where I live is mostly rural and has few parks. Forests abound and the James River borders the county on the south side…but most of the land is private and not accessible to the commoner…me. A notable exception is Hidden Rock Park, a large park close to the county seat, Goochland. I was the only visitor so I sat on the rock in the image above and tried to craft a poem to match the Zen theme of one of our rooms. Many things came to mind but none stuck. Until 2:00 a.m. this morning, I woke with a haiku in mind. It’s not perfect, but tomorrow is another day.

Quieting colors
warming my heart and my soul
edges fade, time blurs

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Lee Halvorsen Lee Halvorsen

The Midnight Library

Abandoned High School, Alexandria, VA

One of our children gave me “The Midnight Library” by Matt Haig. He’d read it during the year and wondered what my impressions would be. The protagonist is a young woman, Nora Seed, mid thirties, who is introduced to us as a teenager in a high school library discussing life’s possibilities with Mrs. Elm, the librarian. Sharp jump to 19 years later, Nora answers a night time knock on the door and is told her cat was run over and killed. She envied the cat because it was no longer suffering, it was dead. This was just one more straw, loss of job at String Theory Music Store, loss of relationship, loss of her parent’s hopes for her, and now the cat. She decided to end it all and the rest of the book is a countdown to her self-scheduled death. The actual time was probably minutes, Nora’s perceived time was years.

In the countdown and again without warning, we are taken to a solitary room filled with books. Mrs. Elm is the librarian and tells Nora this is the “Midnight Library” and each book contains a different outcome for her life, she only has to pick a book and she will be taken to that life. If she is unhappy in that life, she should just wish to come back to the Midnight Library and choose another. The remainder of the book is Nora playing the What-If game with lives from the books. She finds that even in her most comfortable, joyful life, all things and people aren’t the way she’d hoped.

The book is very straightforward with few characters and no subplots. Each life story Nora lived sprouted from an event or relationship or hope/dream she’d had before she decided to commit suicide. Each time one of those lives disappoints her, and that was quite often, she returns to the library. She notes the library’s infrastructure is crumbling a little more with each return visit. Every visit to the library grounds us in the actual life remaining since the overdose is changing everything in Nora and the library. Although I anticipated the story arc and even some of the story events, I was never quite certain how the book would end. Viewed from 10,000 feet, the book almost becomes a cliché…troubled girl, finds herself, rises from the ashes. While true, each adventure is a stepping stone to the next and each new life arc added a dimension to Nora’s grasp of life and life’s meaning and especially life’s value.

As Haig introduces us to Nora’s other possible lives…he brings us to meta-scapes, parallel universes, taking us down the ultimate “what if” path. The technique provides Haig the means to bring Nora through family crisis, tragedy, joy, anger, success, failure, and on and on and on. She searches the library for the perfect life and sometimes comes close but never 100%. In her Library lives she touched perfection many times but never enjoyed the nirvana she’d imagined. Self discovery about her own worth, the value of others, the continuing evolution of life uncovered the reasons to live and she chose life. But it was close.

Other perspectives come to mind which I guess is appropriate given Haig’s multi-channel approach to finding human value. The first is chess which is a presence in most of Nora’s visits to the library. I can’t find the exact quote but Mrs Elm told Nora something like, after three moves, there are over 9 million variations possible, over 250 billion different possible positions after 4 moves each, with even bigger numbers to follow. The placed where Nora worked and was successful on a human level was called String Theory but she had difficulty working with customers and so was let go. Haig’s approach to Nora’s outcome seems loosely based on principles of quantum physics and string theory. Pulling the string might bring results not anticipated or comfortable. Nora got to pick a book based on a high level description of a particular outcome/regret she wanted to relive, for instance, not giving up professional swimming strongly supported by her father. In real life, she’d given it up and he’d died disappointed in her. In the Library’s life, she was an Olympian and her father was beaming. But she wasn’t happy. The people around her weren’t happy. So…back to the library. She’d leave the library with a new life, but like string theory physics, the exact outcome was difficult and not predictable. But, I digress.

I enjoyed the book and found the mental adventures worthwhile. In the back of my mind, Nora’s pending death bothered me. But she came out of it! That disturbed me a little since the mental state that drew her to suicide wasn’t a theme…I mean, did she seek treatment? Why not? What could she have done? Her recovery was a little too “They lived happily ever after.” Lots of life lessons, I think the most important is to pay attention to you, don’t compare yourself with or judge others. They each have their own library.

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Lee Halvorsen Lee Halvorsen


My car died a few days ago. One side of me really hated the end…the other side relished the idea of a new “gadget.” The side hating the end loved the way the car rode, the relative economy, and the up-until-now, reliability. It’s obituary: Born in 2008 and adopted in 2010 by my family, a Toyota Highlander Limited Hybrid with three rows of seats, an as needed car top carrier, comfortably carrying seven people (two adults, three kids with friends: dancers, hikers, baseball players, college seekers, etc). Tens of thousands of miles, hundreds of baseball games, so many dance runs, art runs, sleepovers, photo trips, adventures, vacations…

Each year I religiously took the car in for an annual checkup, spending the money on expensive stuff like timing belts, joint replacements, coolant hose repair, headlights, sensors, etc. Each year I was glad to hear it was healthy (after necessary repairs) and easily passed inspection. But then (dramatic music), a year ago the check engine light came on followed by what in my pilot days I would have called an astounding display of most of the warning lights. Then a tow truck. Then diagnosis and repair. Then a thousand dollars. And finally, back on the road with a smile on my face.

The car is, after all, sixteen plus years old and a comfortable, sturdy ride. But two weeks ago, without warning, the “Check Engine” came back on. Oh no, I thought! I’ve been good to it! Changing the oil, new brakes, new this, new that, I exercise it often…what the hell!! I wouldn’t mind a new car but at my age I’m not sure it’s worth the expense. So, I called the service department at the dealership I’ve been taking the car to since we moved here, the one where I’ve spent some thousands of dollars.

“The earliest appointment we have is in ten days,” was the response I received when I told them my issue. Ten days.

“That’s a long time without a car,” I told her.

“Ten days. Do you want to make the appointment?” she responded.

So much for Toyota loyalty. Maybe now was the time to stop driving. But my wife certainly isn’t going to ferry me around. And she has her own schedule of places to go. My dilemma was the one we all go through, do I spend another large sum of money on a car that is reaching the end of its life expectancy?! Some people run their cars for 20, 30, or more years and hundreds of thousands of miles. Good for them. Good for their cars. But for me, I’m pretty sure the big battery in my hybrid was giving up the ghost and replacement was $2,500+ not including labor. And even if I did replace the big battery, who knew what was next. Sigh. A familiar internal debate. As much as I love new gadgets, I really loved my old Hybrid Highlander…the perfect ride for me. Think, think, think.

"No,” I told her. The internal debate was over, I traded it in. I’m sure it will be taken to a farm somewhere to join other SUVs helping out and enjoying life out in the wild. I wonder why warranties don’t extend to 10, even 20 years. Perhaps because car manufacturers can’t “warrant” how drivers will use or abuse the machines. Squeaky parts, stiff ride, failing functions, crummy fuel, sticky oil, unexpected starts & stops…all part of the aging game.

We have a new car. With a five year warranty. But, then what. Oh.

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Lee Halvorsen Lee Halvorsen

I Don’t Scream Anymore

Mt Assisi Garden

I don’t scream anymore
With death just out the door.
I smile and sink deep inside
Mind seeking right, eyes open wide. 

Burn the books, call for war
Make it tough for all to score
Let voter access freely slide
So your wagon is the only ride. 

But know that deep inside
Somewhere is a rising tide
Of fairness, human to the core.
So, I don’t scream anymore.

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