Samurai Helmet Detail
I live in a bubble, a fragile bubble. I can see what’s happening on the the other side of my bubble’s skin and I’m filled with concern and fear. I imagine myself sitting in Germany in the 1930s in a similar bubble, watching extreme nationalism, hate, and racism capturing the attention of the monied and influential and hence the common “voter.” Back then propaganda, bullying, the nazi party’s use of the legal system helped Hitler rise to power.
I don’t remember who said this, probably Abe Lincoln or Mark Twain or, I paraphrase, it’s not going to be an enemy from across an ocean that conquers America, the conquest will be from the inside, America will destroy itself. Self-cannabilism of the ideals, goals, and unity we think we worked so hard to define and attain. I shake my head and wonder. A convicted felon running for president. I can feel the hate mail coming on…mostly from the same folks that think the January 6 attack on Congress was a legal demonstration. Germany. And, there’s the opposing party who is afraid to make changes and find new ideas and people. And, they’re probably afraid. Germany. Theoretically, we voters choose who runs for office but, IMHO, the party bosses really choose. And one party is running on a platform of “Same-O, Same-O” while the other party runs on a cult system. Germany.
Voter’s opinions are often influenced by television/radio, social media, occasionally newspapers, and sometimes old fashioned snail mail. In the last few days I have received almost a dozen notebook sized postcards telling me how bad the other guy is in the primary election and America is doomed if he gets to office. Since he’s already in office, that might be right. In my home state of South Dakota the overwhelming number of voters are Republican. Many of them will be quite honest with you, they won’t vote for a Democrat no matter how bad the Republican is and how good the Democrat might be. It’s against their DNA. Really? Perhaps if the candidate were a child molester they might choose not to vote at all…I wonder.
But…I’m watching the sun rising slowly above the trees. My bubble remains intact. I hope my kid’s generation can fix this. On the other hand, Martin Luther King, Jr, said that to ignore evil is to be a part of it…I should probably step outside.