Class Act
Elementary School, Grade ??
I stumbled across an old album that my mother made for me several decades ago. The Way Back Machine immediately started whirring away and I thought I’d share some of the images…some of you may recognize yourselves or your mates.
For the life of me I don’t remember which class this was. Perhaps third grade, more likely second grade. Not sure. I don’t remember the teacher and I can’t gauge how old we were. I’m in the first row, far right. I see JD, Kup, Paula, Pam, Larry, Roger, Mark and more. Does anyone have a clue? Perhaps 2nd grade at Lincoln.
My parents seldom got involved in my school life, in fact, I only remember once when my mom took action. But I didn’t see the action. Poo.
When I was in fifth or sixth grade at Madison I had a teacher who didn’t like my behavior. One day she smacked me very hard with a long ruler and it apparently left a welt. Years later my mother told me that she’d gone to the school and complained bitterly to the teacher about striking students. Hurray for her. Didn’t do any good.
At this age, I had lots of freckles and light brown, almost red hair. The kids called me “Howdy Doody” after a puppet that had its own TV show with Buffalo Bob. I didn’t like the nickname and probably acted out against it. I remember lots of bullying, especially from a couple of these classmates. But, it’s all good now, they live far, far away. Smile. Or maybe it’s me that lives far, far away.