After avoiding Covid for four plus years, we finally succumbed. Diane was down for two days last week; me for four this week…so far.
Diane tested negative today. I’m still positive with symptoms. For me, the worst is the constricted throat, like a noose, so tight I could hardly swallow. Well, honestly, the head splitting congestion and body aches aren’t any fun either. I am on Paxlovid but that drug has its own set of issues and there is a balancing act I have to monitor. And this illness was different than cases of flu and viruses I’ve had from years gone by…this illness didn’t seem to have a “story arc,” I don’t know how it’s going to end…there’s no sensation of getting better, just getting sicker. But today, I can swallow without wincing in pain so I must be getting better. Right?
What we have must be a sneaky variant of COVID. Diane tested negative three times!! And one test was the long test at the doctor’s office. We thought she had a “normal” virus so when I got the sniffles, we thought it was me catching her bug as well as the ragweed pollen that’s now so high. But we were going out so I tested, and tested negative. The day after I tested negative I woke up congested and tested positive, as did Diane. That was on Sunday. I spent Sunday through Wednesday in bed. Not having fun. Did I mention fatigue and foggy brain? Ah well. I sense some progress today since I’m out of bed and can swallow. The brain is still foggy but some say that’s just me. All the time.