Dunnington Mansion
Upstairs Hallway in the Mansion
This was my first real outing in…well, quite a long time. Some friends from Northern Virginia invited me to join them at the Mansion for an afternoon of shooting and I happily accepted. I didn’t get much of a chance to visit since each one of us headed for the grounds and fired up our cameras. This old place is a poster child for “If these walls could talk.” The house was built in its grand style in 1897 and lived in until 20 or so years ago. I’m guessing the roof failed and that started the march of deterioration and rot. Fortunately for the house and for fans of history, some folks got together and formed a non-profit foundation with the goal of preserving and eventually restoring the mansion. They’ve installed a new roof which should stop the damage caused by rain but they still have a long way to go to reverse the impact of twenty years of neglect.
I’m still learning video although my wife thinks I may have one or two more hobbies than I need. Nonetheless, if you’re interested in more images and some video of Dunnington, head on over to my YouTube channel for a four minute video. Please consider donating to the foundation at the link in the first paragraph!!