Seven Day Battle

In the name of slavery, confederate forces attacked McClellan’s U.S. Army here, at Beaver Dam Creek in June 1862 to prevent McClellan from entering Richmond. The U.S. forces established defensive positions back along the treeline on the east side of the creek. Confederate forces attacked across a flat plain, across the creek and up the hill towards a mill that the U.S. was using for cover and artillery. The confederates killed more than 300 Americans in the weeklong battle but had even more losses themselves. Despite winning a tactical victory, McClellan was worried about his supply lines and pulled back, away from Richmond.

There’s not much to see, no buildings or roads or even a dam. It is part of the National Park System and the Battlefields of Richmond. The tall trees and quiet stream belie the terror of the battle of just over 161 years ago. A battle that continues in the minds of those who still carry the mission of the lost cause and want to harm Americans.


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