St Emma And St Francis de Sales
Good news. Bad news. Good news. News! And no politics. Wow! And the weather is awesome. First, the good news!
Last weekend our granddaughter stayed with us for an entire night while our daughter and hubby went camping. They were only an hour away, but still! This was their first night without their daughter and her’s without them. And with us! I worked with her on the little piano, read books, and discussed the evils of motorcycle ownership. She had a great time, despite the sniffles and coughing, we did, too, and apparently we passed the parent test because we’ve been asked again!! Hurray.
The bad news. Her sniffles and cough turned out to be a virus…a common cold virus. That virus took a liking to me and so here I am with a plugged up nose, sniffles and a sore throat. I took a COVID test (negative) and she went to the doctor…a virus. Nonetheless, it’s been a tiny hitch in our gitalong for the last few days.
The last good news: Since I didn’t feel well enough to get out and go traipsing among the crowds, I stayed inside. Instead of doing something productive, like reading a book, I worked on my video skills. It is so intimidating. I think I will stop falling down this rabbit hole but enjoy the place I am. I’m using the opportunity to put the images I’ve taken into more dramatic environments. Of course, since I’m practicing, I’ve overdone everything. But, t’was fun and that’s just the way I am.