The Red Shirt Guy
Ave Maria Grotto, AL
Characters that die early in a movie or TV episode are typically known as Red Shirt Guys. This term apparently comes from the first TV “Star Trek” series. All the characters who went with Kirk and Spock to the surface (of a planet they were supposed to avoid) were at risk. And, the actors knew that if they wore a red shirt, their character was on its last episode. That’s had me thinking for a bit and I thought it appropriate, in light of the new John Wick movie, to go down the rabbit hole chasing the Red Shirt Guy. Red Shirt Guys don’t have a long life expectancy in the movie or series. This won’t be a long read.
I have always enjoyed action movies, shoot ‘em ups, good vs bad, etc. Some are documentary-like, some are realistic war movies, and some are just over the top. Take “Kill Bill” for instance. I love the choreography, the music, the weapons play, the woman power, and the comeuppance. But holy crap…can you count the number of bad guys killed in the two movies? And John Wick!! Next time you’re mean to a dog, hope it’s not his. He’s on his fourth movie and, holy crap again, can you count the bodies that are laying around the city? I think the first movie of this genre (yes, it is a genre IMHO) was “The Wild Bunch,” a western made 40 years ago that didn’t try to minimize the violence and mayhem. So now…
Imagine that you are one of the crew on the other side, i.e., your boss killed John Wick’s dog. Are you married? Have kids? What does your family think as you suit up in the morning with your 9mm semi-autos and your M82? What are your health benefits like? Are there other spouses who can get together and form a grief support group with you?
And “Kill Bill,” they all live in a compound training hour after hour, day after day. I’m guessing they had no family except their parents. Was the group they were in a cult? Were they required to follow O-Ren Ishii no matter what or where? I’m also guessing there were no death benefits.
What if you’re the good guy taking your fiancee for a fun day at the beach and then to propose. She’s the Red Shirt Girl and is killed by terrorists in the first few minutes of the movie. “American Assassin”
I know, I know. All this sounds ridiculous. The movies whisk us into a fantasy world of action, excitement, danger, choreography and amazing audio. What the movie leaves out, however, is the Red Shirt Guys (and Gals) who die in an extravagant gala of death (think “Dead Pool”) come from somewhere. And wherever that somewhere is, will be less one family member that night.
I don’t wear red shirts. I never dressed my kids in red shirts. It’s really not so crazy.