Time Changes
Live Music @ Spring Run Vineyards
Yesterday afternoon we spent a couple of hours with our oldest daughter, our son-in-law, granddaughter Mae, and dog-in-law Simba. They met us at the Spring Run Vineyard after they’d put in a long day’s work. The Vineyard is only five minutes from their house!!! We sat on the deck overlooking the actual vineyard and the stage. Every Wednesday through June, the vineyard has Wine Down Wednesday with a food truck and live music; yesterday was Latino Night! The weather was perfect, 75 degrees, no wind, clear skies. I used to say, “A perfect day to fly.”
When I was young I would go to a place like Spring Run to “consume.” That is, to take in the music, the sites, the beverages, the companionship, the whatever, as fast as I could because I knew that in just a short bit I’d be back in the saddle chasing dragons again…back in the cockpit, or the IT sales, or IT management, or the kitchen, or whatever. I had to enjoy quickly and then downshift to work life. It’s not that I didn’t enjoy the fun times, they were just jam packed with unthrottled input. I know I missed things, things perhaps more important than the things I noticed.
Yesterday I had the immense pleasure of sensory immersion…sight, sound, taste, smell, and touch…all with great conversation to make my 6th sense, the mind slowly take it all in. We weren’t in a hurry, it was, after all Mae’s schedule. The music was great, the wine and food were okay. It was like a mental spa date. A slow motion medley of pleasure and fun. I think I’ll do it more often.