
We’ve had several days of storms, some severe, although not as bad as those in Texas. Fortunately for me, the weather at sunrise has been peaceful, all without storms and some without clouds. I say fortunately, because I’ve started waking up early, between 4:30 and 5 and I’d forgotten what a great time of day this is.

The typical summer day here is hot and humid, very humid, and I hate humidity. But at my advanced chronological achievement, I need to walk or I’ll freeze in place. And so off I go just as the sun is rising. I don’t walk too far, just far enough to feel good and loosen up. I walk to a house down the road that has chickens, goats, and dogs. If I hit the time right, right at sunrise, the rooster begins to crow. I love that sound, a sound that will definitely wake you up. Better than reveille which startled me awake in AFROTC summer camp some 50 plus years ago. A brain cell exists in my head that is holding that bugle’s blare to this day. So I don’t mind the rooster. I’m guessing his neighbors don’t necessarily agree with me.

I love sitting on the porch listening to the birds just after daybreak. They call each other in greeting, in search of food, in awakening. Pretty cool. I thought about tuning in a meditation channel but then reconsidered because I’m pretty sure the sound of birds in the morning is a meditation recording somewhere. The hummingbirds buzz about and feed on our flowers on the porch; they are fun to watch as they dive, swoop and attack their competitors.

A couple of mornings ago, I launched my drone right over the house so as not to bother anyone closeby. This is the view to the east, our rural neighborhood is slowly disappearing and the signs of metropolis getting closer and closer. The hill off in the distance is a trash hill.




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