Cancer Flashback

Everything is fine. My wife and I whizzed around town for routine follow up medical visits during the last few days. Since we moved, Diane has only seen an oncologist but he suggested she also see a surgeon and have some tests done to ensure everything was still A-OK. And it is. A relief. But always a worry no matter how routine…it was 6 years between diagnosis the last time and so there is always tension. I go with her to each appointment and treatment, we tell them we come in pairs.

We visited an oncology clinic and a cancer imaging center. While we were waiting, I watched women, young and old, come in, sit down, wait and go in. I tried to imagine what they were thinking. Most were deep in thought, few were on their phones. Some with wigs, some without, some with canes most without. Some with no signs of cancer.

I sensed their determination and their strength. I knew they were fighting fear and uncertainty as well as the cancer. I silently wished them well. Diane is still cancer free, it’s like winning the lottery.

The image above is of Fairfax Hospital the night of surgery in July 2019. Chemo and surgery over…radiation a month away.




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