Water on Water

I went out yesterday in the rain. I know. I know. The risk of melting is ever present but then I did retire my broom decades ago so feeling quite invulnerable now. I was lucky, the rain was intermittent and I stumbled into one of the lulls; not raining, but a heavy mist. Raindrops. Not good for my camera, no matter how small they might be, but, soothing to the soul. At least at this rate of saturation. Few people were about when I walked from Tredegar to Brown’s Island.

I am in a George Nobechi workshop and our task this week is to find far-to-near photos, called En-kin-ho. This method of perspective is based on calligraphy and wants the viewer to see the near, the mid, and far scenes as each having value and that value is what takes the viewers eye into the image…not necessarily leading lines or other traditional methods of perspective. I don’t completely understand the concept but will keep shooting until there’s a click in my brain that automatically might drive the shutter.

Today, the sun comes and goes and so does the rain. Sometimes together! And me, well, I sit typing and looking at the bluebirds building a nest in the birdhouse just a few yards from my window. And smile.


Cancer Flashback


Kim Who?